Financial Education
6 ideas: How to make money as a kid
In this article
- Teach kids the value of money through hands-on earning and managing experiences.
- Ideas: yard sales, dog walking, stands, car washes, yard work and chores.
- Earning and managing money can help instill discipline and future planning skills.
One of the greatest gifts you can give your child is to teach them the value of money. By learning how to work hard and make money as a kid, they’re more likely to thrive financially as they move into adulthood. Rather than just sitting your kid down for a talk, encourage them to start earning, managing and better understanding money through hands-on experience.
Here are some ideas to get the ball rolling:
Host a yard sale
Like most of us, you probably have some items at home you don’t need. A great way to clean house and teach your child some responsibility is to have a yard sale and put them in charge of it. The payoff? They get to keep some or all of the profits!
Walk the dog(s)
Since many kids love dogs, this could be a fun way for your child to make some extra money. If you put the feelers out, you’ll probably find some neighbors who could use the help. It’s also good exercise for your child. Secondary business idea: They could also do poop-scooping for busy neighbors or pet-sit for relatives or neighbors when they are out of town.
Did you know? 82 million American households have at least one pet, according to a 2024 survey by the American Pet Products Association.1
Make a stand
This idea has been around for ages. While the lemonade stand is tried and true, there are also other ways to spin this idea. It could be a cookie stand, a root beer float stand or a popcorn stand. Use your imagination! Maybe it’s popsicles in the summer or hot chocolate in the winter.
Have a weekend car wash
At some point, every car owner has to do the dreaded task of washing their car. This is where your kid comes in. Organizing a car wash with friends can be a great way to bring in some cash, plus it’s lots of fun.
Do yard work
Taking care of a yard is a lot of work, hence the name. You would be surprised how many of your neighbors would trip over themselves to pay your kid to mow their lawn, pull weeds in the garden or spread mulch, among other things. The neighbor gets an immaculate yard and your kid makes money. It’s a win-win situation!
Tackle the chores
Maybe it’s time to let your kid earn their keep. Come up with a list of chores like folding the laundry, unloading the dishwasher or vacuuming and dusting. Let’s face it — you’re busy working and trying to raise responsible kids! By having your offspring step up and do housework for cash, you’ll keep things in order and teach responsibility.
The sky’s the limit.
The list we have gone over is in no way exhaustive. Have a talk with your kid and get creative. Maybe your child is good at arts and crafts and can make things to sell online (with your help, of course). Or perhaps your child is a philanthropist at heart and would be willing to go grocery shopping for seniors in the area. No matter what you decide, helping your kid understand that money needs to be earned is an invaluable lesson they will take into adulthood.
Your kid is making money. Now, what are they going to do with it?
Fast forward to the future: Now your kid is a master origami-maker with a thriving Etsy business. It’s time for you both to decide what to do with the earnings. A good way to teach a child how to manage money is to open a checking and/or savings account for your child. Learning how to earn, save and manage money as a kid teaches discipline, goal-setting and how to plan for the future.
Give yourself a pat on the back.
Let’s face it, parenting is hard. As the saying goes, kids don’t come with instruction manuals. The best rule of thumb is to implement ideas that are well-tested and suited for your child’s current abilities. No parent that has raised kids into adulthood would ever say they regret teaching their kids about the importance of money and how to manage and save it. Start talking to your kid about ideas on how to earn money — and don’t forget to make it fun!
As your child begins to earn money, you can visit us to open a checking or savings account and add your child to the account to begin their journey with financial literacy!
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