
Is a will or trust right for you?
Get a better understanding of which one could serve your goals by answering a few questions.
Start quizI want to make sure my minor children are provided for: Yes No A will nominates guardians for minor children. I want to protect the equity in my home: Yes No A beneficiary deed can transfer Arizona property to adult beneficiaries. We have a blended family and want assets distributed fairly: Yes No A will can outline your wishes for the distribution of your estate. I want to make sure my pets are taken care of: Yes No A will treats your pets as personal property; you can designate someone to gift your pet to. I want to leave money to a religious organization or charity: Yes No A will outlines your wishes for special gifts to your organizations. I want to control how my beneficiaries receive their inheritance over time: Yes No A will does not allow for the controlled distribution of assets over time. I own a business: Yes No A will may not provide the ability to transfer the ownership of your business upon your passing. I’ve had life changes since my estate plan was created: Yes No A will may still be appropriate for your situation. Based on your answers, a will or a trust could be right for you. Talk to an estate planning specialist or check out the educational resources below to learn more!
A trust can ensure a trusted person manages finances for minor children.
A trust can avoid probate for your Arizona property and control the distribution to beneficiaries.
A trust can provide more control over the distribution of your estate.
A trust allows for money to be set aside for the proper care of your pet.
A trust allows for money to be identified and distributed to your organizations.
A trust does allow for the controlled distribution of assets over time.
A trust may help ensure your business is transferred if properly set up with the correct documents.
A trust can be amended to suit your new goals and priorities.
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Document preparation services are offered through Desert Financial Credit Union; an Arizona Supreme Court Certified Legal Document Preparation Business Entity (CLDP #81024). Legal document preparation services are not insured by the NCUA, have no credit union guarantee and do not provide legal advice.